Thursday, August 31, 2006

Friend or foe

I've been having plumbing problems for almost the whole year. It can be interpreted from the annual stars for the year. But I will not go into that.

This is about something else. The phrase "your best friend is your worst enemy" has its origins from society which had already gone through every social circumstances. I actually believe more of the phrase "you are your own worst enemy". Both are enemies nevertheless.

My basin have been slanting like a half broken chopstick for some time and I'm finally going to replace it. I thought "hey since somebody is going to make money out of me, why not let it be someone in my network or extended network of friends.

I made some calls and found a friend's friend who does plumbing. I went through some trouble to get him to do the job for me. (wheres the customer service? nevermind) Lets build on our invisible implied bond.

He came, we talked and laughed. We chit chat about how we met my referral friend and some casual stuff. Then he quoted me an audacious fee! I have never heard of a basin so expensive! Its not gold plated, its not even bronze plated! OMG it became clear what his take on this was - a one time win-lose transaction. But because he was referred by a friend, and rejecting his services is not a good friendly gesture, I actually asked him to go ahead! Is that crazy or what?! I was caught in the moment!

Now I feel very stupid to have paid him. I should asked him to go fuck himself.

How did a situation like this arise? Can't anybody see the long-term potential of this? I could have referred even more business to him.

I'm not asking for a cut-throat price, I just expect to pay a reasonable fee. I checked the papers to look at basin prices and found that what I've paid is almost double those that are quoted in the papers!

What the hell is going on in this guy's head? I think that he realised the social game in play and went for the kill. If the plumber was someone I found from ads, I don't think they would dare quote me a price like that. They would be mindful of the competition. But since I'm a referral customer, he must have thought that I have no choice but to get his services. I'm an idiot not to call the plumbers in the papers. The deal is as good as closed. Because if I had wanted to find a plumber from ads, I wouldn't even have bothered to get in touch with him.

He will never get any business from me again. And I hope his business goes down the drain like his plumbing.

Now I even suspect that my referral friend is in cahoots with him and they will split the dough from the easy meat (me). Maybe he knew my weaknesses and instructed the plumber how to work on them. He may have guessed that I would not turn away someone I asked him to refer.

What has happened to good faith? I have another friend who keeps asking me questions about business and I have always provided him with well thought-out timely information and ideas. When I asked him recently for the same in return, he totally ignored my questions! What is going on here? Its not that I offered him my feedback conditionally... . well.... yes maybe there is a condition. A condition of good faith... ..

What has freaking happened to good faith? This guy I just met was chasing me down to meet me alone to discuss some business plans. I kept telling him we can talk over the phone, but he insisted on meeting. When I finally made time to meet up with him, he did not turn up! His excuse? "my friend refused to drive me down to the our meeting place" And he told me that after making me wait for half an hour! What kind of fucking excuse is that?!?! Since then I have filtered out his every attempt to contact me again.

What the bouncing jelly beans has happened to good faith? One of my favourite friends from school told me that he had a seminar to attend but didn't want to go alone. He didn't need to beg me to go. I agreed without raising an eyebrow. When I arrived, he tried to hard sell me mlm in a 3-pronged attacked with 2 of his "mentors"! Even while clearly knowing my stand on mlm! Thats the beginning of the end of our relationship. I can never trust him again.

What the bloody ass has happened to good faith? I always go to my favourite noodle stall to have dumpling noodles. Naturally I got to know the lady well. The more I go to have my noodles, the smaller my portions got! She must have thought that since I'm a regular, I will keep going back whatever portions she gave me! OMG .... dream on baby... ..

What the sesame seed buns have happened to good faith? I bought a notebook from a big name company and got one that does not meet the specifications stated in the brochure. I asked to exchange for the notebook with the specifications in the brochure. They refused! And have the audacity to ask me to upgrade to a higher performance notebook and top up the difference! I gave them a piece of my mind and reminded them of the Fair Tradings Act! Only then, they offered to give me a top up dicount of $50 if I upgraded my notebook selection! OMG..... I just want what I paid for..... is that too much to ask... ..

And what the wicked willy has happened to good faith? I have supported my favourite soccer club for almost 20yrs. And they won't even win the 1st 3 games of the season for me! Please get a quality midfielder and right back...

Its a crazy world out there. And I'm only living on a dot.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Feng shui sex test

The most innovative ideas come from crazy bullshit conversations

I happen to be having one with the guys (as usual). We were talking about how interesting relationships feng shui were. How they can see the compatability of a couple by feng shui is rather fascinating. Being able to predict the dynamics between partners by feng shui fascinates me till today.


"Is there a feng shui sex test?"

I've never thought of feng shui in that way. But what applications and implications would a feng shui sex test have? A "feng shui sex test" would be a marketer's dream come true. But a product with a catchy heading needs to live up to it.

So this has got me thinking...

The only part about feng shui that I can relate to sex is all-conquering romance energy. So powerful that even a nuclear bomb will cause no penetration! (pun? anybody?) That is thinking in a box.

Lets try to explore outside the box.

Maybe partners of particular zodiacs matches will have great sex! I'll think about that

Maybe certain combinations of elements at the right time will induce an atmosphere for exploding testosterones! I'll look into that

What if you are exposing red g-strings to your partner alone in your bedroom dancing to a "lamppost"? At the fire passion sector of the house! And facing your most favourable direction!!! Wait.. .. in that situation, you're probably going to get down on it whatever the elements are....

What if you were to clump all your dragon tortises, gem trees, crystals, etc together and place them at the corner of your romance sector? I'll write that down.. .

What if you were to sit in front of the computer all day thinking about some crazy bullshit conversations you had with the guys? Definitely worth a try.... damn i live in a box....

Monday, August 28, 2006

Elemental partnership

I could feel the speaker getting wet from the tears down Faith's cheeks over the phone.

Faith: I thought he was the one
Me: Faith baby, what did I tell you your personal element is?
F: Water
M: Whats your "one's" element?
F: Water
M Faith baby, your "one" should be someone really compatible in a more democratic relationship. Not the one you were in with that jerk. He is probably of the earth element. Your destroyer! ahahahh (that was maybe an inappropriate joke)
F: So how can I find him?
M: Faith baby, I'm not a matchmaker
F: Why you never told me this about democracy before?!
M: Faith baboon, I did. You never pay attention, you monkey!

Everyone has a personal element. It can be found by refering to the day you were born in 8 character analysis. In your 8 characters, you can find the element of your marriage partner. I assume that the marraige partner is the "one" unless you like to stock up on divorces and awe at your own accomplishments.

In the case of Faith, her "one's" element is similar to her self element. That means that he will be one who is very similar to her personality and will provide emotional support. Their relationship will have many "friend" qualities. (this is not redundant bullshit. many of us do not have "friend" relationship qualities with our partners) Because of this, there is a high chance that she will run into him as or through a friend or competitor.

In this case, her "one" would probably have water self element as well so that it tallies with her's. 2 complex formulas make a beautiful equation.

However the "one" may or may not be benificial to anyone. This is dependant of the strength of the self element. This is why sometimes, a great lover is describe as a "jinx". Its because the "one" is not favourable to the 8 characters.

So instead of marrying a "jinx", you marry a jerk

Sunday, August 27, 2006


The funny and ingenious thing about Chinese dialects is that 2 different persons who speak different dialects will not understand each other. For example, a Cantonese and Teow Chew may not understand each other's language. But if they were to write down what they are saying on paper, they would understand what the other is saying.

I'm Hokkian.





Saturday, August 26, 2006

Morning papers

I recieved a call early in the morning while reading the papers.

Caller: I have a problem
Me: What is it?
C: My 3 legged frog is not going to be effective.
M: Where are you placing it? (have to know if its a common hostile area)
C: Coffee table.
M: How high is the table?
C: About 40cm off the ground.
M: What color is the table? (im checking out the elemental energy of the table)
C: Black.
M: What else is on the table? (check for hostile objects)
C: Most of the time my feet.

(dogs like the smell of our feet. maybe a frog would like it too)

M: Do you know which directional sector you are placing the frog? (maybe its at the fire sector)
C: North
M: Well it sounds alright to me. Why do you think theres a problem?
C: Its made of paper.
M: WHAT!?!?!?

I've never heard of this one before and it totally caught me by surprise. Its not the material that surprised me. Its the audacious and somewhat desperate attempt to make one out of paper that did it for me.

ahahahahahahahha I laughed till my eyes got wet

If you ask me, paper is a definite no-no. (hahahahh) Its too fragile and lightweight, unable to hold its own. The 3 legged frog is suppose to be a celestial creature. How is it suppose to make good use of its influence if it already has a problem holding its own?

Who is selling these paper frogs?! I resisted myself from asking caller if it was self-made.

I've seen 3 legged frogs made of wood, brass, jade, plastic. Most of the time they are coloured in gold. In the case of jade, green. Hanging onto a coin, you can guess what its suppose to bring you. In the case of paper, it must be off to pay for its insurance plan. You need insurance, fire insurance especially if you are made of paper.

Sometimes I still wonder why the frog is not demonstrating one of the values that was taught to most of us. And thats the value of humility. Showing off its fortune for all to see. I don't go around holding my bank account in my hands, not to say the least, my mouth. Why can't it at least hold the dough in its hands. It has heavenly powers anyway. Holding something with its hands (i mean front legs) makes more sense. How is it going to feed with a coin the size of its head in its mouth? Don't give the excuse of not being able to stand upright with only 1 hind leg. Its not celestial for nothing. And whats with the colour? Why is it always gold?

Froggy friend, why not take a shot at superstardom by modelling your famous friend Kurmit. Host a show, go green (theres a lot about global warming nowadays), keep your money in a bank instead of between your lips. I'll still need you at home whatever decision you make by the way.

Other post with frog

Friday, August 25, 2006

Why can't I get through?!

I was suppose to meet Edwin at 1pm today at Khatib to survey some sites. He smsed to change the time to 2pm when i was already on my way to meet him at 1pm. (why?! why!? why?! why must today be a day of conflict between wood & metal?!)

*Feng shui guide: Wood and metal are conflicting elements in nature. Metal chops wood.

That means I have at least 1hr to burn if I'm on time. And more if I'm early!! (why!? why didn't i polish my mystic knot this week!?). As fate would have it, im a couple of minutes early. (why!? why!? why?!)

*Feng shui guide: The mystic knot is affectionally referred to as the endless knot. There is no start or end reflecting a continuous cycle of birth and rebirth. Its a symbol of longevity and good health.

Well there is no point rotting at Khatib, I wanted to check out the neighbourhood. But 1st I have to get a drink. Its a very warm day. I'm sweating even though I tried moving like a sloth to use minimum effort. I need some green tea!

I got my drink and have a sit beside the walkway of the MRT station. I'm enjoying my drink. Its so cold that its dripping from the sides like my sweat down my back. I'm gonna be sick man. (i'll rest for another 5mins & then i'll check out the neighbourhood)

This girl, maybe around 12 walked towards my direction on the walkway from the left. She was wearing green sandals (wood), Im in metal white. (i just knew it was going to happen) When she was about 45degrees from my front left, her direction changed in a way Shumi would be proud of and came right at me!

She stopped in front of me, cluching a left fist full of coins, palm up (the thought that she wants me to have them zipped through my mind) The left hand is a gesture of giving. The right is a gesture of taking.

Girl: Why can't I call Malaysia?

Me: (eyes wide open) Then call for a pizza. (i saw her as a kid & made a stupid comment)

(she totally ignored my comment. no. to her there wasn't even a comment to ignore)

G: I called the number and I hear ". .. ...service unavailable..." What number should I call?

M: The number that you want to call. (what else! another stupid comment)

G: No. Before my number what should I dial?

(If i had my way i would have told her "8888" as we are in flying stars period 8. but 2 stupid comments have already lower my value considerably to a kid)

M: Try "0203" (i remembered dialing something like this when i called across the causeway)

G: 0203? I called the number and I hear ". .. ...service unavailable..." Why can't I get through?

M: Thats probably because the service is unavailable. (are we on the same page here?)

G: Then why you say 0203?

(i started to think that im getting into a cotton candy type of conversation)

M: I think I dialed that number before. On my mobile and at home.

G: Why can you get through at home?

(this is getting more and more like an interrogation. and im already sweating like a pig)

M: Maybe because the house is subscribed to that service? (im getting defensive)

G: Which house?!?!? Whose house?!?!

(THATS ENOUGH!!! my house!!! no more!!! please!!!! no more!!!)

M: May be those house. (i pointed to the houses in front of us)


(at this point ive had enough. why must it be a day of conflicting elements!?)

M: Ok kid. I don't know why you can't get through on the public phone. You see those houses? (i circled them with arm) Anyone of them may be able to get through. Which one? I don't know. Why don't you go house to house and knock on their doors to ask the same questions you are asking me.

(i can see that she sensed me grabbing the dialogue control by the throat and became a cute 12yr old again)

G: You said about 0203. Can I try on the public phone?

M: By all means go ahead.

G: Can I try it on the public phone?

M: Yes. Please. Go and try.

G: Can I?

M: Yes. Please. Go and try.

G: Can I really?

M: Yes. Please. Go and try.

The moment she picked up the phone. I decided to start my previously abandoned plan to check out the neigbourhood. Somehow I had the feeling that she will ask me the same questions again if i stayed in her sight.

Man.. .. . I always run into the weirdest situations

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Format M:

SMS in: Wan to meet up for lunch?
Reply: No lunch 2day
SMS: Want to meet at Bishan for cofi?
Reply: Ok wat time?
SMS: 5
Reply: Ok

Its been a long time since I saw Tabo.

The last time I asked him out, he was so tired from work that he suffered a concussion in bed. So it was great to see him again and an even better gesture from him to ask me out. We have a long but compressed history. A lot happened in a very short time.

I cannot help smiling the moment I saw him emerge from the train station. You know the feeling you got when you saw your parents after 2 weeks of confinement in Tekong? Its a realisation that after suffering so much from all the disciplined circuit training, gym training, obstacles course trainings, clicks after clicks of running, the mental stress don't matter anymore. If going through all that means a chance to talk to someone who "gets it", its more than worth every braincell burst.

Its great to have people without hidden agendas around. No beating around the bush, no hidden meanings, no need to be tactful, frank and straight forward answers. There isn't a need to be on your guard. And Tabo is more than that.

Lately I've been working on a lot of assignments. I'm not one to stress out but its tiring. (maybe i need to settle down) A good catch-up will format my mental harddisk (at least temporarity). I'll burn my work folder into a thumbdrive. Reinstall my OS later. And copy the folder back after that.

Tabo: I'm going to Japan.
Me: !!! What?! When?! Who?! Why?!
T: Early next month. With a colleague. I'll be there on training for 3 weeks.
M: *relief* I thought I've lost you as well.
T: Don't be crazy.
M: Do you think the Japs will describe feng shui as "KAWAII" or "OEISHI"? No maybe it will be "SODESHNAE" (i have hardly any idea what these terms mean)

So we were catching up at the coffeeshop and I noticed the new library. Its transparent. I didn't go to inspect the general architecture, but my guess is that its see-through from the other side as well.

I have never liked transparent buildings. I'm sure many you have heard about the expression "like a knife right through" when the main door of a house aligns with an opening at the back. Energy entering will run right through the main door and out by the back which such force that it is deemed harmful.

If a knife is use to describe that, a fork will be used to describe see through buildings. It may be pleasing to the eyes and look unique in a way, but its bad feng shui even if the building has a good facing with favourable energy entering. Would you want a Ferrari to slow down when it passes right beside you or zips right pass at 250km/h?

I don't know the layout of fittings in the library, but I hope they are laid out somewhat curved so as to slow down the energy that will enter from the see through sides. You don't want energy that surges right though a building. However, there are no residents there.

And spare some thought for the ladies in minis. If they were to pick up a book near the sides, coffee shop chit-chat will come to a stanstill. The only chit chat in the moment of time freeze will be "white or pink?".

Sunday, August 20, 2006

2 grandfather stories

I've always had people ask me why must they fall out of love, expecting me to give an answer about the unfavourable elements. These are times when it seems that they are vulnerable and seeking direction. Is that so? I don't like to see friends without soul, even temporarily. Its just not right.

Most of the time they already have the answers they seem to be seeking. They just want validation.

I've given answers ranging from subscribing to M1 instead of Starhub (take that starhub! for not rewarding my loyalty) to listening to White Zombie instead of Britney Spears. These make more sense than feeling bad about yourself for failing to gain someone's acceptance.

Sometimes I even give them a good ticking off.

Everyone of us are playing games. One of them is the game of competing with yourself. There is the you that knows that success takes hardwork. (unless of course, you are not fed by a silver spoon but a golden ladel) And there is the you that just wants to get in bed and just cuddle. Getting a leg up on the lazy monster is tough. When you allow the lazy monster to hold the remote control, you are exposed to the whatever-happens-happens menatlity. When you want to watch the news on FOX, lazy monster will not give you the remote.

You feel down because you allow yourself to. Not because of the elements. Don't find excuses for yourself. The weird thing is most people want to be taken away by an irresistable force. Or use a reasonable excuse acceptable to the audience. They see themselves as the audience! When they are in fact, the lead actor! They are just too lazy to go against the game of life. Read more about social game here.

Every day you are moving towards an outcome. No matter what you do, you cannot stop or reverse time. If your day starts at 6am, you can be sure that you will hit 6pm. To have the same things and in the same state you are at 6am, its very simple. Just do nothing or follow your routine.

"Just give lazy monster the remote... I'll watch what it wants to watch."

To end up with something instead of nothing, you got to get moving. You got to drift, you got to parallel park, you got to drive with a stick, you got to step on it and watch out for the speed camera at the CTE!

Many people like predictability, thats why they are contented to stay where they are. They can predict what they would have at 6pm. And they dare to say that their lives are unhappy! Who is allowing that to happen?!

If doing something that can hamper the predictability of the outcome at 6pm, the thought is thrown out. Because one cannot handle the prospect of getting into a situation that can possibily be out of his control. One even gets rid of lazy monster and spring into action when it is thought that predictability is compromised - to resurrect lazy monster...

"What if things turn out worst rather than better off at 6pm?"

"What if I am unable to catch the show thats scheduled to air at 6pm?"

"What if my day ended at 7pm rather than 6pm?"

what.. . .what. . . .. what ur cb

In the end, many choose to do nothing.
Just go with the flow of what life throws at you.
Absorb the impact.
Wait for the next onslaught.

Me: "Why does this happen to you again and again?" I whipped the Tequila in
Heartbroken: "Because you cannot go against the elements. Thats what you said before. Its my fate. This is what I am. I have to accept it."
"FUCK YOU! You are a FUCKING loser! Finding excuses as it is easier to live with yourself this way. Blame the elements!? OMG If you carry on this way... .. we all know whats going to happen. The next bottle's on you by the way." (i could have never said to accept IT as feng shui is all about change. if we are to accept everything that life throws at our direction, there is no need for feng shui. and this is not all about feng shui. its about your inner self)"
"Talk to me!!!!"

I like to tell stories and use simple examples to illustrate my point.

An old feng shui story goes like this.

One day the best life reader in the world gave a young genius a reading. This kid had the potential to achieve great things. The world around him knows his success will be inevitable rather that "very possible". The reader read his life like a book.

"You will achieve great success. You will be a millionaire by age 23. You have potential the world have never witnessed. You will blah.. . blah . . .blah..."

Hearing this, the kid sat on his genius ass waiting for his fortune to come.

Do you think he will fulfil his potential?

Another story goes like this

A religious man lives in a poor village. A Flood came and he had to climb up the roof. All the while the water was rising. It rose to his ankles.

A row boat came to rescue him. He said "Its alright. Save the others. God will save me."

Then the water rose to his chest. A motor boat came to rescue him. He shouted "Just go. God will save me."

The water kept rising. This time he had to tilt his nose up to breath. A helicopter came and lowered a ladder to save him. He waved the helicopter away. In his mind "Leave me. I have faith that God will save me."

He drowned and ran into God. He was furious and complained. "I have dedicated my life to you and just when I needed you most, you did not even turn up!"

God: "I tried to save you. I've sent the row boat, motor boat and the helicopter to save you. But you turned them away!"

So get off your fat ass and do something.

I've had this question thrown at me again and again

"Can anyone survive on faith alone?"

Honestly, i don't have the answers.

Why don't you ask yourself "What is faith?"

Friday, August 18, 2006

Somerset site feng shui

I've been wanting to write about this since I saw the Straits Times front page this morning.

Australian property powerhouse Lend Lease put in an AUDACIOUS $1,455 psf bid for the site at Somerset.

Its the area beside Specialist Shooping Centre. You know.. .. the carpark that rains bird shit all day. (somebody is feeding those birds too much)

So is it worth that much in terms of feng shui?

That what I'm going to explore.(i would have put in a bid myself if the price is around 2 ½ cents psf...)

In the picture, rite at the center where you see the cute green bushy stuff is the main identifiable area of site in question. It actually stretches beyond the trees to Somerset Road. It also stretches left to the area behind Orchard Shopping Centre. You can see that 3 buildings surround the site. The one on the left is Orchard Shooping Centre, on the right is Specialists Shopping Centre. The one on the left below Orchard Shooping Centre is UOL Building.

If the facing of the new building is built parallel to Orchard Road, it would have a facing of around north, making the sitting at south. Thats my estimate from the map from Google earth.

If I were to put 8 house feng shui into practice, this makes the building a Kua 9 east group building.

The Extermination 六煞 and Demise 绝命 locations will be taken up by UOL Building and Orchard Shooping Centre respectively. There goes 2 problems.. .. . just like that. Its a masterpiece.

The Loss 五鬼 location will be the sector behind Orchard Shooping Centre. I recall that there is a dirty canal there. So its not surprising that its a bad area. Its best to keep this area away from the public eye. Make it something like the kitchen of a fancy restaurant. People eat at the dining area without ever seeing the kitchen.

A loss is incurred as the Health location 天医 is taken up by Specialists Shopping Centre/Pheonix Hotel at the southeast. This is a favourable location for health. Just too bad its taken up.

Another problematic sector is at the northeast. This is the area of Adversity 祸害. Although this seems to be an area of very high traffic, there are bound to be problems like accidents, internal conflicts, most prone to public complants, etc.

The best sector inevitably falls at the east. This is the area of Flourish 生气. If you are highflyer aiming to flying to the moon, this is the best area to rent a unit.

If the main entrance is at the north facing, expect to have more mature patrons.It would be most favourable for the main door to be at the east sector. But thats not practical. Have a secondary entrance at the east.

Finally, the south is also a favourable area of the site. I don't see any big feng shui concerns for the south. Thats so easy for me to say. (im in the comfort of a sofa chair fingering a dual-core processing machinery)

Alright! There you have it. Simple 8 House feng shui. 4 favourable and 4 unfavourable sectors.

Its a good site if you look at the basic 8 House feng shui analysis. Bad sectors are put into missing sectors. Only 1 real unfavourable area to note of.

Definitely worth more than my 2 ½ cents psf potential bid.

And I thought this is going to be my year... .

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Brochure layout design feng shui

I was consulted by a friend for feng shui design about the layout of a brochure.

Seeing that this is a year of earth, the logical 1st thought that came into my mind is that the brochure has to have an earth or metal presence. You cannot go wrong with that.

*Feng shui guide: It is actually a year of fire and earth. As fire nutures earth, and currently being in a period of earth, the focus should inevitably be on earth.

Me: "Earth. Yellow."
Friend: "What!? It will look like a BANANA!" he shot back instantaneously
I recollected my thoughts....... ...
M: "Think more of the fibre in a banana. Those who have problems clearing their bowels would love to have a banana. Some people will crave for a banana without even the hope of getting one. The banana is 1 of the most famous fruits around ranked below apple and orange. I personally feel that its about time more recognition is given to banana. Orange should be relegated 1 spot below banana. Surely banana have enjoyed as much publicity as the other 2 rivals. There are Apple computers, Orange Julius, but don't forget Banana Republic." (im not sure how those words got out of my mouth. maybe its the after effects of last nights party)
F: "Hey I remember the last time when you checked my characters, you said earth is not favoruable to me!"
M: "Did I say that?" (oh! i did)
M: "Try watermelon." (im pulling his leg)
F: "What the fuck does watermelon mean?!"
M: "Green and black stripes." (alright. enough bullshit!)
"Whats your data. I'll check it out for you."

He has weak wood self element. Thats why earth is actually not favourable to him. It can also mean that having abundant wealth is not beneficial to him. That is unless he is a follower of feng shui.

So elements that are favourable to him are water and wood. Elements that are unfavourable are metal, earth, and fire.

The question now is how to to apply his favourable elements in an unfavourable year.

We cannot ignore the annual elements. These definitely have more precedence than any personal elements. Since we are talking about precedence, lets simplify this.

Annual element--->Brochure--->Friend

Lets say the annual element has a structure of "a"
Friend has a structue of "c"
To harmonize them, Brochure has to have at least a structure of "a-b-c" to blend into both and play the role of matchmaker.
So Brochure must at least have "earth-fire-wood".

The brochure is the bridge that harmonizes the two conflicting parties. Annual element and friend cannot resolve their problems. So a conciliator or arbitrator in the form of the brochure has to be used.

As the anual element has precedence, brochure has to be more earth (annual element) based rather that wood (favourable self element) based. The colour has to be earth based. Orange, yellow, brown. Even better if brochure is square.

Now the layout is actually quite simple. Friend's trigram is at the east from the Later Heaven arrangement. (i've tried very hard to use limited jargon here). From the Early Heaven arrangement, (yes there is an early arrangement in case you were wondering why the former was named Later), the east is fire based Li trigram. East is also a sector of wood.

Fire is the link between earth and wood.

*Feng shui guide: Wood feeds fire, fire nourishes earth.

I adviced him to put something that represents him at the east of the layout. Preferably wood in colour. Justify the text in small paragraphs so that rectangle blocks will be created within the brochure, strengthening wood element. Justified text in large paragraphs may create squares. Align left or right would create irregular text which are attributes of water. You definitely don't want water to put out fire.

Finally, as fire is the harmonizing element it must also have a presence in the brochure. South is where fire resides. The company identity or the marketing theme should therefore be on the center top. Not top left or right, not bottom left right or center. Its best to leave these areas empty so that no other elements are activated by mistake.

*Feng shui guide: In common feng shui practice, south is seen at the top and north at the bottom. Not the other way around that we are used to.

As a final note, this is not a response enhancing brochure layout. You cannot go against the elements. Friend is already in conflict with the elements. This layout design is meant to cushion the negative impact he will recieve from the elements.

There is another way to approach this.

That is to have all the elements in the brochure. To have all elements in present in the brochure will eliminate any elemental bottlenecks as every element will now have an outlet to release its energy. Doing this will even out the strength of each element. Simple pie logic. If a pie is to be shared among 5 instead of 3, everyone will have a smaller share. However the size of portions can be influenced by proper feng shui. There isn't a need for that here.

This method also plays the role of a cushion under current feng shui conditions. But its a weaker cushion than the 1st method.

The 2nd method is commonly used by those that are new to feng shui as they have yet to grasp feng shui dynamics.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Life Insurance process evolution

Nowadays, everywhere you go, you will find insurance agents. The insuruance company will set up tentage most commonly at bus-interchanges, shopping centres, simple insurance roads show, etc.

Sometimes insurance agents will seem as if aloof to the crowd. This is so that prospects will put down their programmed defences and actually go along a proper route. The insurance camp will of course be along these routes. When you do get near those insurance central controls, an agent suddenly jumps to life and go "Hi. Do you have any savings? Do you know that the bank only gives you 0.125% interest?"

If you were to think about you answer we would get hooked. No. Actually it doesn't matter whats your response. They are throwing a routine at you. Almost every response have a calculated reaction.

Coupled with knowing that insurance is almost a necessity, thats a scary combination. (you really don't know what can happen tomorrow) If you were to allow an insurance agent to put forth his routine presentation, you just know that he will make sense and you will be tempted to buy even of you already have a few insurance plans. But not wanting to spent time for their insurance pitches, we have programmed ourselves to

"I''m in a hurry" (suddenly walking with a purposeful destination in mind)
"Not interested" (shake of the head and waving of the palm)
Pretend to not notice the insurance agent if he makes the mistake of speaking too soft
or simply see through them like a glass wall (you have to fight poison with poison)

I've also seen the "dummy" executed to perfection by prospects. You know... the kind that fakes left, and when the opposition goes to your faked direction, you go right. Ronaldinho would be proud of these sidesteps.

This is evolution in process...

The need to feed made the cheetah evolve into a Spider.

The need to get away from the cheetah evolved the gazelle into a Carrera.

(those who are not familiar with cars will be confused in the last and next paragraph)
(Don't be mislead by the documentaries that you see where cheetahs always get the gazelle. You only see the exciting part. For every success of the cheetah, it probably made 9 failed attempts)

Just when I thought the insurance-prospect relationship cannot evolved anymore, (what a naive thought) I was hit by a stylish tail-gating Aston Martin. Giving me a joyride to somewhere I'm not interested in.

I was on the way to the sports complex.
Its a 1 stop train transit.
I was dreaming about making my debut in the new Premiership season...
when I notice this looker smiling at me and walking towards me (i just knew this new haircut is the 1 for me)

Hugging her like a sweet wrapper, if metal element is favourable, her white dress is a reflection of her confidence and humility. If unfavourable, it means that she may be too clever for her own good.
She stopped. (wearing red jasper, shes looking for love. her time is NOW!)
2 feet in front of me. (i can feel the elements igniting my aura)
Face to face. (come on! say the words i wanna hear!)
Our eyes were masterlocked for a few seconds (which felt like forever)

*Red jasper is commonly used as a love enhancer. However it may bring along other qualities depending of the users elemental compositions.

"Hi" I said
"Hi" She smiled (she must have got her teeth done. those are beautiful pearly whites!)
Her: Where are you going?
Me: I'm going home, and I want you to come with me.
No. I acually said "Just the next stop"
She laughed "I saw you and thought you would be approachable." (yes baby! with a smile like that you can coax a lion to lick between your toes)
"Oh is it?! My mother taught me not to talk to strangers"
"Oh Im Shirley. Now we are not strangers!"
Me: "Shirley, d
o you know what you are wearing?" I asked pointing to the stone
"Yah! Its a red jasper." she flashed it at me with a contagious chuckle.
"Do you know what it can bring you?" as I raised my chin
"Its suppose to bring me wealth!"
I shook my head as if indicating my disappointment.

That must have triggered something within her.

"Do you save your income? Do you know the interest rate that banks are giving you?"


That line kicked me into automatic. I had to follow the evolutionary protocol and stare through her.

In a deeper tone "Do you have a savings account?" (of course i do! are you crazy!)

Alright I turned off as my testosterone left with the opposite train.... probably towards city hall. Shirley then offered to accompany me to the sports complex. (man.... she definitely knows what she wants) And I let her. We ended up having coffee at a seafood restaurant.

All through our conversation, she was saying insurance this, insurance that, concerns about my life term insurance, and auto insurance.... basically its health insurance, accidents insurance, and you've guessed it.... .. more life term insurance. CPF insurance, endowment insurance, unit trust.... OMG!!! Thats enough. (it must be the beam hanging over her head. her presentation sucks) If she's going to suck, I'd rather it be on something else. It may have been different if she got me the lobster. Sitting in a position semi-obstructing the walkway probably did her no favours either. Never underestimate the power of the elements.

Before we parted she wanted my number. ahahahha just you wait Shirley... you need a jasper the size of your fist to pull that off ahhahaha

This is something new to me. This is hyperactive lead generating. No longer are the days where insurance agents wait for passer-bys at their turf. If there was ever any doubt that those were active or passive sales behaviour, it doesn't really matter now. What I've encountered is definitely hyperactive, sniping me from a dimension I never knew existed. And if that was evolution, colleagues at the Toa Payoh bus-interchange roads shows will probably follow the evolution shift soon.

Now with this new breed of insurance agents, I start to wonder what is the next evolutionary phase. Since this new breed is a result of the responses and reactions, they are like the new superbug! New antibiotics are needed. Time will tell.

Actually insurance is something that everyone should have. I have insurance. (where are my agents?) But there must be more sophisticated ways to generate sales leads.

Now... . is being approached by a sophisticated lady insurance agent considered as a sophisticated way...?..

Wednesday, August 09, 2006



Was invited to witness the spectacular fireworks display today.
I didn't know this was taking place at the Esplanade.

Being a member of the Elite Business Club, I have have access to the member's lounge at the top of Penninsula Plaza. There is probably no better place to witness fireworks held at the Esplanade.

But no. I've had enough of this.

I've had a fireworks display hangover since 2002 when I was involved in the management of the holding area for participants.

Many of you may have never heard about this. Let alone think over it. There are thousands of participants in the NDP. Not all of them perform at the same time. So when they are not performing, where are they? Surely they don't arrive 30 minutes before their performance, do their thing, and go home. Where are they?

They are at the Indoor Stadium. Every cue is coordinated to near-perfection.

During the preparations for NDP 2002, I'd seen fireworks after fireworks. I overdosed myself. Its not as spectacular to me as before my NDP assignment.

To make it worst, I live in the penthouse. Every fireworks display can be seen from my house. I'm not interested in fireworks anymore. You won't hear any oooooohhhhh.. ... ahhhhh.... from me. My adrenaline stays in hibernation.

And being witness to so many displays of aerial celebration, I really wonder when will more innovation be put into the displays. To me, the sequences, the variety, dare i say ferosity have never changed since 2002. (I don't take note of these before 2002)

Although the one in-charge may argue that there have been many changes to these since 2002, the point is that they are not noticeable. (at least not to me) Fireworks are visual displays. There has to be visual impact changes. Nothing new have caught my attention. (maybe there hasn't been any technological advances in this area)

NDP 2006 is also the last NDP to be held at this stadium. The National Stadium is going to be rebuilt after this.

Now that I've mentioned rebuilding, there is a sense of inevitability where I'm going with this.... .

Yes! Its the feng shui of the new stadium! I haven't seen a prototype of it. I just hope that its going to be breathtakingly awesome and extravagantly feng shui-ed.

Since we are in a period of earth. It is preferable for the stadium to face an earth element direction. Northeast would be best. The site does not necessarily have to be built parallel to the northeast. Just the facing would do. With the Kallang river nearby, it would also be good for the active water star to be located at the direction of river.

*Feng shui guide: The active water star is an expression of a dymanic energy form that has the attributes of wealth, prosperity, activities, etc.

My estimation is that a facing of between northeast 38 to 67 degrees would put the active water star (from the flying star charts) where the river is. And ... . lo and behold... this is also probably the best chart I've come across. Its a chart where every sector of the site has the presence of parent-string combinations. There is a drawback to this orientation though. It would be best for the facing northeast area to be less active with the sitting southwest to be more active. However, currently the northeast area is where most of the public enter the complex from. This makes it an active area. If this facing is used for the new stadium, the traffic flow should be configured to divert mass entry area to the east or southeast, if not the southwest.

*Flying star feng shui: The parent-string combination refers to star combinations of 1-4-7, 2-5-8, 3-6-9. This harnessess the luck of 9 periods.

There is another facing direction that should be considered for the new stadium. And that is to face southwest since there is a river located there, bringing prosperity to the stadium. However, this orientation also requires the northeast entrance to remain inactive with a facing direction of 203 to 217 degrees. Using this orientation, the north area should have the presence of a significant inactive water feature. A huge blue structure of irregularity can do the trick. The role of this inactive water feature is essential as there is a potential of fire hazards breaking out at the north area with this flying stars chart.

*Feng shui revision: Water traps energy to a more conducive condition for absorbtion by the site in question. That is why you should take full advantage of water that is present on a site. It is generally best for water to be located near the front or main door. This is so that fresh conducive energy will enter the site through the front or main door as they are used most often.

Since we are currently in a period of earth, the architecture should not clash with earth energy. So rectangles and irregular shapes are definitely best avoided. Triangles and pointed roof structures should also be avoided as earth energy would "exhaust" the stadium's energy.

Squares and spherical shapes will be best.

You can read on more about the new stadium's feng shui here.

*Feng shui guide: Different shapes have different attributes to elements. Rectangles are attributes of wood element. Irregular shapes are of water element based. Triangles and pointed roofs are fire element attributed. Squares represent earth. While shperes represent metal.

My best memory of the stadium was in 1994. (or was it 1993) When Stevan Tan put the ball through the legs (lobang!) of a certain Alan Davidson, and crashed in the winner deep into stoppage time. I have no doubt the elements were in Steven's favour that day.

Those were the days....

National Stadium feng shui

The orientation of the new stadium should be 1 of two facings.
The first one being northeast 38 to 67.5 degrees.
The second to consider is southwest 203 to 217 degrees.

Lets look at them more carefully.

From the picture below, it can generally be seen where the north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest areas of the stadium are. I will assume that the new complex will be built on the same site of the current stadium. I will label this picture 1. The compass at the bottom left corner indicates the directions. North at the top, south at the bottom.

With an orientation of facing northeast 38 to 67 degrees, period 8, the mountain star 8 and water star 5 are present at the northeast sector. The base star is 5. Therefore the parent-string combination exist at this sector. In fact, for this facing in period 8, every sector of the site will have parent-string combinations of either 1-4-7, 2-5-8, or 3-6-9. The 8-5 combination at the northeast is not favourable for active engagement as the water star 5 is present. Danger looms for young men if no remidies are introduced. to exhaust the star 5 at this area, the presence of yang metal is needed. To enhance the mountain star 8, huge boulders can be used as decorative purposes in the northeast. A site with a sitting of southwest will be a Kun 坤 house and have the "flourish" 生气 location at the northeast. Keep this area open and inactive.
The flying star combination for the east is 3-6. This is a self neutralizing sector. The disharmony 3 is neutralized by 9. This area also makes for good entry points for people of stature.

A star combination of 4-1 exist at the southeast. This is a sector where couples may gather for privacy. Huge amounts of water will bring about too much romance activity . It will also be the best sector for those using the stadium for academic or project purposes to gather data with an overview of the stadium. For example, coaches will find this the best sector to analyse tactical switches. Apply wood element energy and insignificant water feaures.

The south has a combination of 9-6. Conflicting elements of fire and metal. Fire at heaven's gate when you take the early heaven trigram arrangement into consderation. Chien 乾 at south. Which can be interpreted at northwest at south. This is a prime area for crowd trouble between men.
feature. The "extermination" 六煞 sector is here. Do not have any fire elements here. No pointed structures, triangles, red, purple. Use inactive water

The 2-8 star interaction and
"growth" 伏位 location resides at the southwest. A properous area of dominant earth energy. Make this area active. However, misfortune may befall on women at this area. Best to erect a water feature here. It both energizes water star and exhaust the misfortune mountain star.

7-4 combination at the west. Possible accidents regarding metal structures. Women are very vulnerable. Increase yang energy at this sector. Also introduce symbolic water to harmonzie metal and wood energy. Using which, this may turn out to be a romantic area of the site. Not surprising as this is an open area near the river.

Northwest will have a 6-3 combination. It may turn out that this sector will perform much better than expected. Adult males may be prone to injuries in this area. introduce inactive earth energy.

Hazardous 1-7 combination at the north. "Demise" 绝命 sector. This will turn out to be a costly area to manage. Introduce earth element displays like crstals and stones. Be carefull as many people will pass this area to move from northeast to northwest.

Central combination is 5-2. Orignally bad combination cushioned by the parent-string combination in an age of earth. Controversial area as the field will be full of wood energy. Misfortunes are bound to happen on the field. But open field will benefit parent-string combination. This sector will have to be based on your judgement at the site.

The other facing direction to consider is southwest 203 to 217 degrees. Flying stars chart for this facing in period 8 is a mountain star sum-of-10 chart. The base star adds up to 10 with the mountain stars in all sectors. Further fueled by the timely mountain star 8 at the back, this is a very good orientation for sites built for harmony and togetherness. It will be most favourable to built a huge "mountain-like" structure at the back of the site.

The facing southwest has a 5-8 combination. This area will attract young people playing street games and getting injured. The river will be located here. Bringing prosperity and injury. An inactive water feature shoud be placed here to disarm the misfortune star 5. The "flourish" 生气 location will also be located here. This facing will bring prosperity to the site.

West sector has a 9-3 combination. Wood feeding fire. Looking at the map this can be an area for young entrepreneurs to exploit. However there is a tendency that that they will get into legal problems. No round object here. Do not have any "funny" features here.

The northwest area is good for media areas with 1-4 interaction. It would also be a good area for political leaders to enter from. Strong romance energy present. Maybe even too strong. May want to spill over the energy from west sector over for its fire energy.

"Fire at heaven's gate" at the north with 6-9 combination. Metal melt by fire. Possible crowd trouble area. Blue or spherical features will help control negative energy. The presence of earth will harmonzie the sector by linking up 6 and 9. Possible fire hazard also. Build a missing sector of possible as the "loss" 五鬼 sector is located here.

Northeast sitting with 8-2 combination. Have to activate the mountain star to reap the full benefits of this flying star chart. Even mountain and water star adds up to 10. In addition, the "growth" energy will be located here Can be a very good area. Be cautious a
nd use remedies when 2 becomes timely.

4-7 at the east. Conflict area. "Extermination" 六煞 area. Note this sector as remedies have to be in place. Yang water features will cushion the impact.

Southeast sector will have 3-6 combination. Accident prone and "demise" 绝命 area especially adult males. Use yin water to harmonize the elements.

South is a loss area with 7-1 combination. Probably most of the public will not prefer to use this area. Also a hazardous area for injuries with metal structures. Use more blue in this area.

Central combination is 2-5. Orignally bad combination cushioned by the sum-of-10 combination in period 8. Controversial area as the field will be full of wood energy. Misfortunes are bound to happen on the field. Open field will benefit parent-string combination. This sector will have to be based on judgement at the site.

Make good use of the river nearby. Any feng shui layout should exploit the positive energy that the river brings. We are currently in the period of 8. Earth element is dominant. So do not buile building that are in conflict with earth. Let the earth element energy enhance the site rather than deplete its energy

Also note the traffic flow to the stadium. Currently most arrivals are from the north. If the new site does not change the traffic flow, take precautions and exercise remedies as north in both northeast and southwest charts are not favourable. Do not rule out using facings other northeast and southwest.

Also note the locations of the annual grand duke and 3 killings when the site goes under construction. They are at northwest 293-307 degrees and north respectively in 2006.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Integrated Resort originality?

Have you ever bought a pair of slippers in Bangkok thinking its unique, only to find everybody wearing it on your return home?

If you haven't already heard, there is an uncanny similarity in the architecture of Abu Dhabi Gate District with the Singapore Intergrated Resort casino haven at Marina Bay. Its like getting 2 Aces at the blackjack table in the casino. I am shocked to see this picture. Take a look.

The uniqueness of the designs lies in the linking up of a few buildings by connecting the rooftops.

Now I'm wondering how original our design really is....

Although the 2 majestic sites have differently funtions and assembly, that is the least that is on people's minds. When we go shopping, we look for designs first. The materials, cutting, etc are secondary in our minds. We only talk about the secondary issues if the design catches our attention. (at least thats how i shop)

Since this is about the visual design, the issue is the similarity in architectural visual impact. Not the funtions or assembly. There is definitely a resemblance to our casino resort. So I have to find out more about this design. What I found next is both a relief and shock. I'm relieved that the design is not THAT simlar.

This is a spetacular view of the site.

OMG!!! Feng shui masters who were critical of our casino architecture in its visual impact must be having a field day!! Owners of this site must be relieved that its not a casino. I don't think we would find slot machines, roulettes, blackjack tables, or poker kings there.

There were many feng shui views of the Singapore Integrated Resort (i just call it casino for short), feng shui masters talked of how it looked like a blade, broken flyover, tomb, etc.

I came across a feng shui master's view of this Abu Dhabi project saying that the Intergrated Resort design is not original, and that it is not good in feng shui principles. The 4 blocks of the AbuDhabi arranged in an arc is better than the 3 joss sticks of the IR.

What has an arc got to do with 3 joss sticks!? I really cannot see the link. An arc is very vague, while 3 joss sticks is very specific. If feng shui is based according to architectural resemblance to objects, is that not only 1, but a few "arc" sickles I see in this picture?

If any feng shui principles are being refered to.... man... it must be the principle of .... i don't know.. .... first impressions???

For me, the only feng shui priciples that I can see from these pictures are the principles of energy flow. I can see a restriction energy flow and movement with the site. In fact, energy may be directed by the bigger 4 building arc towards the taller tower causing a potential energy bottleneck area. That is hostile. Another concern is that the 2 curved buildings at the center will trap and restrict energy flow within itself.

However there may already be feng shui remedies planned. Just that I have no access to those information. The only thing on my mind is having access to our casino as soon as possible.

A compelling point is made about the resemblance though .....

Feng shui reverse engineering

Its amazing how daily elements can mean to you if you are able to interprete them correctly. The Hsia calendar is a calendar that shows dominant elements of each day.

For those who have their 8 characters tabulated and understand the interaction dynamics of the elements with you, you can have a good idea what is in store for you.

Thurday was a day that the calendar said I would meet an aquintance. As 3rd August is in the variance of very late summer in a month of Wood and Earth. It is more likely that this aquintance will be an ally rather than an adversary. (only applicable to me)

Who was I suppose to meet? Is it the lady whom I buy noodles with fishcake, luncheon meat and fish paste from almost every morning? (that one i know will meet already) Or will it be the general manager of Starhub telling me that I'm finally rewarded for my loyalty? Never did I know that it is someone I would meet in cyberspace.

I ran into a Blogger template I liked on Thursday and mailed the creator about certain problems expecting her ignore me and say "Go and fuck yourself! Don't blog if you don't know html!".

"Its a 50/50 chance if I were to initiate. While its a 0/100 chance if I do nothing." (This phase is so outdated)

Well, I got a positive response and recieved more assistance than exepected.
I presume that the designer is the one mentioned in the calendar. (just a guess) So now I'm going to tally up the readings and guess the range of her birthdate if it is indeed her that he Hsia calendar is refering to. (this will be fun)

The person that who I would meet is of the Rat zodiac as described in the Hsia calendar. (only applicable to me. take a look at the hsia calendar if you have one. you will see the rat on 3rd aug) Those with Rat zodiacs are generally hardworking, determined, industrious and intelligent. I don't know how old she is. So she should be born either in the Rat years of 1996, 1984, 1972, 196... no, I don't think she's that old. I dont' think she's 10 year old either. So its either 1984 or 1972. Now lets look at those 2 years.

1972 is the year of the Water Rat. The ruling elements are water and water. (She must be a very wet rat!) Since it is through web designing that we met, metal element will probably be quite influencial to her. So she will probably be born in the months which metal is available. I'm looking for months which metal is the 2nd element. This means months 7 and 8 are relevant. Now lets look at those months more clearly.

*I classify web designing as of a metal element industry
*I use month 7 instead of July as month 7 is not July. (what else do you think!?)

Month 7 is a month of earth and metal.

Month 8 is a month of earth and metal

1984 is the year of the Wood Rat. The ruling elements are wood and water.The months with metal as 2nd elements are month 7 and month 8.

Month 7 is a month of water and metal

Month 8 is a month of water and metal.

Alright thats basic data tabulation. (very basic)

Those with Rat zodiacs are generally hardworking, determined, industrious and intelligent. As a key aspect of Water Rats are being good negotiators, I will write off 1972. (She never even attempted to negotiate any crap)

Whereas, Wood Rat zodiacs are artistic and have strong work attitudes. (Bingo!) Her designs are wonderful and also gave me an impression of a good work attitude.

Now I'm left with month 7 and month 8 of 1984. Lets take a look at these 2 months again.

The earth flying star is present in month 7.

While the water flying star is present in month 8.

Earth will exhaust the Wood Rat. Making those personal characteristics mentioned earlier insignificant.Water will nourish the Wood Rat. Enhancing those personal traits.

My guess is that she must be born in the 8th month of the 1984 Rat year in the Hsia calendar. September 7th - October 8th 1984 of the Gregorian calendar.

Well if I had a copy of her birth data I can be sure that she will have a surplus of wood or fire elements. I guess I will never know the correct answer. (whooo.... good thing i cannot find out the answer)

*Feng shui guide: The Rat are allies with the Dragon and Monkey. It is very close to the Ox. So look out for these friends when you go out!

*Feng shui reminder: The prediction of the Hsia calendar of meeting an ally is only applicable to me. It would tell another story with someone else with other elemental compositions as the same elements will mean different things to different people.