Warning: Casino numbers involved
The race to obtain the first casino license in Singapore concluded in late May. (yes. this late news)
I'm pleasantly surprised that Las Vegas Sands beat off the competition. The usual suspects did not win.
When I think about casinos, I think about totally crazy entertainment and attractions! (hey this is Singapore. chewing gum is considered crazy entertainment)
I used to watch Stephen Chow (hong kong movie star) in "Saint of Gamblers". He has ESP and can change his cards to win in poker! Oh how I wish to play poker with him. (i haven't even mentioned the roulettes, jackpots, lingos, wheel of fortune, who wants to be a millionaire, pyramid game, amazing race, survivor..... ok im getting carried away)
Then there is the "Big Small" where we would guess the number range in the shaker. (if thats what you call it) Oh... what about the roulette. OMG..... Its all coming to Singapore! CASINO! CASINO! CASINO! Tigers! Magicians! Superstars!
The significance of the casino in Singapore is not that we are finally going after the $$$. The casino is not about increasing GDP. No. It is not about making more jobs. Nope.
The significance of the casino is that the authorities are tackling change as it sees fit. The signals this sends to the rest of the world is that we mean business. That we don't limit ourselves to the very rules we make. If change is required, we will accept and adjust accordingly. "Change", after all is the only real constant in the world. (no its not sexual harrassment)
Which brings me to feng shui. Feng shui is all about managing change. If the 3 legged frog is not giving you luck, try putting it at another location. Or try using the money tree instead. Get an arowana.

There was this talk that indicated the architecture looks like a broken flyover. (so it isn't a flyover?! then what is it? why not it look like wings bringing the casino to new heights?)
Another view is that the 3 tall building look like tablets? (but tablets design can give good feng shui for decendants. Come on, there is no backup for that claim. why not it look like roman number 3, indicating 3000 years of prosperity?)
Another practitioner said the roof looked like a blade that can cut across other buildings. (hey if resemblance is anything to go by, then the 3 domes will act as a shield if anything)
These "analysis" are too brief. Only the practitioner who worked with the architect will know the real feng shui dynamics of the casino. If feng shui is based on resemblance alone, anybody can be a master practitioner. Only Master Chong have access to the information required to make his recommendations. We should respect his analysis. (not "analysis")
Since almost everyone is giving their advice, I shall offer my expert "analysis" as well.
If anyone noticed, the casino is located at the very mouth of the Singapore river. It has always been regarded that the river brings wealth to Singapore. (no wonder all the big companies are located beside the "river of wealth")

From the map taken from Google earth (i don't know how reliable this is), the entrance of water is from the direction of around 95 - 105 degree off-east. That makes it wood element base. The line of emptiness is at 112.5 degree east. Now the higher range of 105 degree is only 7.5 degree from the emptiness line. We wouldn't want energy from the river coming at the emptiness direction. (the collins cobuild dictionary define emptiness as "an unhappy or frightening feeling that nothing is worthwhile." i define it as "nothing") We are lucky as you will see.
The casino will also be located at the left of the river mouth looking in. That means it will shift the energy coming with the river flow nearer towards 95 degree. That is as good as it comes to true east 90 degree. (good planning indeed! ahahha)
*Basic feng shui: Energy coming from east is wood element by nature.
Nevertheless, the energy will still be wood element base. The objective is to move away from the emptiness line. Note that we are in the period of 8. Since the Marina Bay area is at the south of Singapore, wood element will be present to greet the energy coming with the river flow.
Coincidentally enough, the ruling star for 2006 is of wood element as well! (don't confuse coincidence with fate) This makes all the main clusters of energy favorable! From the perpective of time dimension feng shui, the casino should start contruction before next spring.
*Feng shui guide: We are currently in the 8th period of flying stars feng shui 9-period 180 year cycle. The current period will last till early 2024. What happens when the whole cycle is exhausted? It starts all over again! Its not called a cycle for nothing!
Ok. From the graphics of the prototype there is no way one can determine the facing of the casino building site. But I can almost be certian that it will face northwest.
Which sector of northwest? Honestly.... I don't know!
But personally i feel that it would be best for it to face between 312 - 334 degree northwest. another emptiness line lies at 337.5 degree. (isn't feng shui facinating!)
This facing would give it a flying stars chart very favourable for water to exist in front. (which is what it will have) The problem is that with this facing, it is actually not favorable for energy to come from east. (as per the direction of water. i sound like a scientist!)
*Feng shui advice: Go and get your own flying star charts for reference!
The beauty of this is that the predicament is self-solved! Yes. Auto-fix!
You see, to neutralize the bad effect of the water direction to the site, you need the presence of metal and wood element energy. Which in fact is already present in the architecture. White objects represents metal energy. Look at the prototype again. What do you see at the front right of the design? Located at the entrance of the rive mouth is the white lotus at the casino's right. Did I say lotus? Lotus has the attributes of wood element energy. So there you have it.
The white lotus emits both metal and wood energy! The water threat is therefore neutralized!
This lotus increases the energy presence on the right of the site. Note that there is nothing significant on it's left. So the casino resort will actually be prone to "attacks". This can be by internal forces or external forces. Internal wise, it can mean that Sands will find it difficult to balance the interest of their many businesses. External wise, my guess is that stiff competion will come from Suntec City, Marina Square and Marina Mandarin, all on the right of the site. When this is taken into consideration, it may also mean that a lady will be more likely to excel in the casino's top post.
*Feng shui guide: Basic feng shui regarding the 4 celestial creatures of phoenix, dragon, tiger and tortoise states that if the right of a site is considerably lower than the left, the site will be prone from "attacks". The tiger resides on the right of a site. Its purpose is supposedly to protect the site from attacks. But when it outgrows the stature of the dragon on the left, the tiger becomes hostile.
I don't know about the criticism of feng shui regarding the casino. The feng shui doesn't seem that bad from my basic analysis. However, I strongly feel that I should be the feng shui consultant for Sands.

Oh yes! 1 last thing, small players beside the river will be sucked dry!
Geeezz... I think Genting may bring a Universal studios theme park into sentosa...
After that maybe someone should bring Neverland in Bukit Panjang.....
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