Why can't I get through?!
I was suppose to meet Edwin at 1pm today at Khatib to survey some sites. He smsed to change the time to 2pm when i was already on my way to meet him at 1pm. (why?! why!? why?! why must today be a day of conflict between wood & metal?!)
*Feng shui guide: Wood and metal are conflicting elements in nature. Metal chops wood.
That means I have at least 1hr to burn if I'm on time. And more if I'm early!! (why!? why didn't i polish my mystic knot this week!?). As fate would have it, im a couple of minutes early. (why!? why!? why?!)
*Feng shui guide: The mystic knot is affectionally referred to as the endless knot. There is no start or end reflecting a continuous cycle of birth and rebirth. Its a symbol of longevity and good health.
Well there is no point rotting at Khatib, I wanted to check out the neighbourhood. But 1st I have to get a drink. Its a very warm day. I'm sweating even though I tried moving like a sloth to use minimum effort. I need some green tea!
I got my drink and have a sit beside the walkway of the MRT station. I'm enjoying my drink. Its so cold that its dripping from the sides like my sweat down my back. I'm gonna be sick man. (i'll rest for another 5mins & then i'll check out the neighbourhood)
This girl, maybe around 12 walked towards my direction on the walkway from the left. She was wearing green sandals (wood), Im in metal white. (i just knew it was going to happen) When she was about 45degrees from my front left, her direction changed in a way Shumi would be proud of and came right at me!
She stopped in front of me, cluching a left fist full of coins, palm up (the thought that she wants me to have them zipped through my mind) The left hand is a gesture of giving. The right is a gesture of taking.
Girl: Why can't I call Malaysia?
Me: (eyes wide open) Then call for a pizza. (i saw her as a kid & made a stupid comment)
(she totally ignored my comment. no. to her there wasn't even a comment to ignore)
G: I called the number and I hear ". .. ...service unavailable..." What number should I call?
M: The number that you want to call. (what else! another stupid comment)
G: No. Before my number what should I dial?
(If i had my way i would have told her "8888" as we are in flying stars period 8. but 2 stupid comments have already lower my value considerably to a kid)
M: Try "0203" (i remembered dialing something like this when i called across the causeway)
G: 0203? I called the number and I hear ". .. ...service unavailable..." Why can't I get through?
M: Thats probably because the service is unavailable. (are we on the same page here?)
G: Then why you say 0203?
(i started to think that im getting into a cotton candy type of conversation)
M: I think I dialed that number before. On my mobile and at home.
G: Why can you get through at home?
(this is getting more and more like an interrogation. and im already sweating like a pig)
M: Maybe because the house is subscribed to that service? (im getting defensive)
G: Which house?!?!? Whose house?!?!
(THATS ENOUGH!!! my house!!! no more!!! please!!!! no more!!!)
M: May be those house. (i pointed to the houses in front of us)
(at this point ive had enough. why must it be a day of conflicting elements!?)
M: Ok kid. I don't know why you can't get through on the public phone. You see those houses? (i circled them with arm) Anyone of them may be able to get through. Which one? I don't know. Why don't you go house to house and knock on their doors to ask the same questions you are asking me.
(i can see that she sensed me grabbing the dialogue control by the throat and became a cute 12yr old again)
G: You said about 0203. Can I try on the public phone?
M: By all means go ahead.
G: Can I try it on the public phone?
M: Yes. Please. Go and try.
G: Can I?
M: Yes. Please. Go and try.
G: Can I really?
M: Yes. Please. Go and try.
The moment she picked up the phone. I decided to start my previously abandoned plan to check out the neigbourhood. Somehow I had the feeling that she will ask me the same questions again if i stayed in her sight.
Man.. .. . I always run into the weirdest situations
*Feng shui guide: Wood and metal are conflicting elements in nature. Metal chops wood.
That means I have at least 1hr to burn if I'm on time. And more if I'm early!! (why!? why didn't i polish my mystic knot this week!?). As fate would have it, im a couple of minutes early. (why!? why!? why?!)

Well there is no point rotting at Khatib, I wanted to check out the neighbourhood. But 1st I have to get a drink. Its a very warm day. I'm sweating even though I tried moving like a sloth to use minimum effort. I need some green tea!
I got my drink and have a sit beside the walkway of the MRT station. I'm enjoying my drink. Its so cold that its dripping from the sides like my sweat down my back. I'm gonna be sick man. (i'll rest for another 5mins & then i'll check out the neighbourhood)
This girl, maybe around 12 walked towards my direction on the walkway from the left. She was wearing green sandals (wood), Im in metal white. (i just knew it was going to happen) When she was about 45degrees from my front left, her direction changed in a way Shumi would be proud of and came right at me!
She stopped in front of me, cluching a left fist full of coins, palm up (the thought that she wants me to have them zipped through my mind) The left hand is a gesture of giving. The right is a gesture of taking.
Girl: Why can't I call Malaysia?
Me: (eyes wide open) Then call for a pizza. (i saw her as a kid & made a stupid comment)
(she totally ignored my comment. no. to her there wasn't even a comment to ignore)
G: I called the number and I hear ". .. ...service unavailable..." What number should I call?
M: The number that you want to call. (what else! another stupid comment)
G: No. Before my number what should I dial?
(If i had my way i would have told her "8888" as we are in flying stars period 8. but 2 stupid comments have already lower my value considerably to a kid)
M: Try "0203" (i remembered dialing something like this when i called across the causeway)
G: 0203? I called the number and I hear ". .. ...service unavailable..." Why can't I get through?
M: Thats probably because the service is unavailable. (are we on the same page here?)
G: Then why you say 0203?
(i started to think that im getting into a cotton candy type of conversation)
M: I think I dialed that number before. On my mobile and at home.
G: Why can you get through at home?
(this is getting more and more like an interrogation. and im already sweating like a pig)
M: Maybe because the house is subscribed to that service? (im getting defensive)
G: Which house?!?!? Whose house?!?!
(THATS ENOUGH!!! my house!!! no more!!! please!!!! no more!!!)
M: May be those house. (i pointed to the houses in front of us)
(at this point ive had enough. why must it be a day of conflicting elements!?)
M: Ok kid. I don't know why you can't get through on the public phone. You see those houses? (i circled them with arm) Anyone of them may be able to get through. Which one? I don't know. Why don't you go house to house and knock on their doors to ask the same questions you are asking me.
(i can see that she sensed me grabbing the dialogue control by the throat and became a cute 12yr old again)
G: You said about 0203. Can I try on the public phone?
M: By all means go ahead.
G: Can I try it on the public phone?
M: Yes. Please. Go and try.
G: Can I?
M: Yes. Please. Go and try.
G: Can I really?
M: Yes. Please. Go and try.
The moment she picked up the phone. I decided to start my previously abandoned plan to check out the neigbourhood. Somehow I had the feeling that she will ask me the same questions again if i stayed in her sight.
Man.. .. . I always run into the weirdest situations
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