Saturday, December 02, 2006


James called today. I did up his house up for him. The house was designed with a cyber feel to it. One of those interiors that look like the inside of a UFO. (if ever we know what the inside looks like) He paid the designer $2,000 for that design. That excludes the markup that the design house put on the carpentry and furnishings. The final price made the design house look like a vampire. Hey I know the costs of these things. But if it seem like good value to James, its his money.

J: “The designer drew up the layout incorporating your advice and proposed the colour theme which I really liked.”

S: “That’s great! You must be really anticipating the completion of the project. Remember what I told you about the Northwest. Hope you didn’t compromise it.”

J: “I put the wardrobe there as you suggested. Just one thing.”

S: ”What’s on your mind?”

J: ”Im removing the study to expand the living room.”

S: “Whats that again?” :S

Its good that people like James would discuss changes to the layout of the apartment rather than take matters into their own hands.

Feng shui is designed to fit into a living area as a whole. Wholeness is crucial to good feng shui. Can you imagine if the apartment is designed with feng shui and leaving the living room open to negative energy? Its an exaggerated example. But that can compromise the energy base that resides.

In James case, a maroon rug will solve the problem as the study is wood based and is an unfavourable area.

If you have decided to practice , go with it and don’t be afraid to ask for feedback on changes. Thinking you know when you don’t is as good as no feng shui.


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